Intel recently sponsored a survey on “Mobile Etiquettes” and here’s the result:
Mobile etiquette breeches have particular relevance during the upcoming holiday season, as the survey found that more than half (52 percent) would be offended if they were at a holiday party and someone attempted to secretly use an Internet-enabled device, such as a laptop, netbook or cell phone, at the table. The restroom, however, doesn’t seem to command the same reverence when it comes to mobile technology.
Key findings:
- One in three online adults (30 percent) would be offended to receive an online gift wish list from a friend and/or an immediate/extended family member.
- An overwhelming majority of online adults have no tolerance for mobile technology etiquette violations at holiday services, with 87 percent agreeing that it is inappropriate to use a mobile device at religious venues.
- Travel can be a little bit tense around the holidays, and some feel that it is no time for multitasking – 36 percent of online adults agree that it is inappropriate to use a mobile device in an airport security line.
- A majority (60 percent) of online adults consider using a mobile device while on a date as inappropriate.
- About 70% agreed that violations of these unspoken mobile etiquette guidelines, such as checking e-mails, sending text messages and making phone calls while in the company of others, are unacceptable.
- Despite hygiene considerations and potentially awkward explanations, 75 percent feel it is perfectly appropriate to use Internet-enabled devices, including laptops, netbooks and cell phones, in the bathroom, with only 25 percent agreeing that it was inappropriate behavior.