This example shows how to connect to Zoho Books using Google Apps Script and the Zoho APIs. The HTTP requests to the Zoho Books API are authenticated using an authtoken. You can go to the following URL to generate an auth token for your Google Apps Script project.
You’d also need the organization id that can be found at this URL.
This function creates a new contact inside Zoho Books using Google Apps Script. You can extend it to export your Google Contacts to Zoho Books, setup a form submit trigger to create contacts from Google Form submissions and so on.
function Zoho() {
var contact = {
contact_name: 'Amit Agarwal',
company_name: 'Digital Inspiration',
website: '',
twitter: 'labnol',
contact_persons: [
salutation: 'Mr',
first_name: 'Amit',
last_name: 'Agarwal',
email: '',
is_primary_contact: true,
var zohoOauthToken = 'xxx';
var zohoOrganization = 'yyy';
var zohoUrl = [
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(zohoUrl, {
method: 'POST',
muteHttpExceptions: true,
var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
} catch (error) {